Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Woman in a Man's World?

I'm off to Utah this morning but I wanted to share an email I received from a gentleman who is a long time visitor to the Yesterday's Tractors website. Apparently he'd like me to stay away from the discussion forums. He says:

    "I've said before and I say again, a woman should not be moderating a website primarily intended for men. They just don't get it."

Apparently he's upset that I don't let men swear, post nude pictures of women and have pornographic conversations in the antique tractor forums. An earlier comment I recevied, after I deleted something akin to the aforementioned subjects, was that "men will be men and this is what men do" and I should go away because I "don't belong".

I just wanted to say publicly, sorry, that isn't going to happen. You're stuck with me! As a reminder, my long standing policy is that ladies and gentlemen both are welcome in the discussion forums and should wipe their feet and remove their hats prior to entering. Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Kim, there will always be some backwards idiot out there with some sort of a chip on the shoulder. You are doing a wonderful job - and we women enjoy YT as much as the guys, so keep up the good work. If that nuisance wants nudey pictures let him go to a porno site. What an idiot!! Hang in there!!!

Donna. W said...

I have always appreciated the job you do. Hey, it's great that you now have a place where you can sound off, explain yourself, and BE yourself. You should have called this blog "Kim talks"!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be sorry. Its your site, your rules. Some posts need zapped, including mine.
You deserve a big Thank You from everyone that visits.

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find that 99.99 percent of the people that visit prefer YT just as it is: a nice family site for everyone to get together to talk about tractors and living in the country. If the "Man" wants a site with nude women pictures, cussin', and dirty jokes he's certainly welcome to open one. This is the World
wide Web with room for everything.

Anonymous said...

Well for the most part I think the site is well run and I enjoy it very much. Although I have had 1 or 2 posts I put on the tractor talk forum that were deleted for apparently no reason. They contained nothing derogitory or political and they were deleted. Sure would like to know why.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work. I like it just as is, there too much crap on the internet already.

Anonymous said...

Kim I think that you're doing a great job and enjoy this site very much. Thank You very much David

Anonymous said...

To be honest I didn't know this site was run by a woman, never gave it a thought, which to me makes no difference. I think it is run very well, I check in daily. 335 MM? By the way I dream of driving a perfectly restored 5 Star MM someday, if I ever get started on it. I see I'm not the only one with good taste, (no offence to other makes) Keep doing what your doing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone who has posted here. The site works well because you've limited the language that is welcome. I like the fact that I don't see the negative language and pictures that are allowed on other sites. There are plenty of places to see those things. Let's keep this site focused on good, clean fun. Also, as a man I'm offended that someone would imply that all men would want that type of atmosphere in the first place. I'm sure countless frequent contributors to the site would agree with this position. Keep up the good work; it is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

AS a guy who has enjoyed this site since a year or so after it was started, I must say that it is always a pleasure to look through it. You never have to worry about something that is not appropriate for family members. I think you are doing a great job and appreciate all the hard work that goes into this. Thanks

Anonymous said...

What they said. You do a fine job and have always had a fine site.
George in Biloxi, Ms

Anonymous said...

baler 46 said

Kim you do a fine job with this site enjoy it a lot.Check it out about every day . Really enjoy the forums very helpfull.Very clean cut. thank you very much 59 allis

Anonymous said...


I'm a guy and I think you do a great job! This is my favorite website. I like not just the antique tractors, but the friendly and family-oriented atmosphere. Keep up the good work, best wishes,BobR

Anonymous said...

Stand your ground Kim! This is the best site on the net because of you, there is enough filth to satisfy those that want it elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hi '59 alli, I've often wondered who was running the site, you do a sterling job,its the only one I really look out down under in New Zealand, I've had allis' and Internationals over the years,all shapes and sizes, and down to half dozen I>H's at the moment.Keep up the good work, I luv it.
Farmalldave (New Zealand).

Anonymous said...

And here I thought "Kim" was a chinese much for P.C.. YT is an outstanding site and Kim is doing most excellent job, both technically and philosophically. What cretin cares wether the site admin. has one or two X's.

Anonymous said...

People who put porn on this site should be thrown in jail and the key destroyed!!!These kinda NIMRODS don't seem to think the "little" eyes get on this site also and check out the forums.So if i see porn you will get a real nasty comment from me and i have every right to...

Anonymous said...

I would also agree.You are doing a fantastic job!Please do not let fools like that bother you.I think it is awesome to have women on the forum . My 65 year old Dad goes to your site several times a day ,also does my 13year old brother.We have a good clean christian home here and are proud to visit Y T daily.I would like to thank you,personally for this sight it has helped me quite allot. A beautiful woman that loves tractors,My dream are you married if so he is verry lucky!!!!!If not,I am 28 single and love tractors too,Have a terrific night.

Sincerly Shawn/T.X.
ps email me sometime maynbt@netzero

Anonymous said...

Anyone who gripes about a woman in a man's world is just a graphic example that Darwin was wrong! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I think your doing a great job so don't let some jerk ruin a good thing: Thanks again Ron

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed the antique tractor forum for some time now and wasn't aware who was responsible for it, just appreciated having it. Makes NO difference to me who does it, just the quality of the site means something and that has been very very good. Keep it up and congratulations on a fine job from a man who is grateful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim.. when you leave.. I'm sure most of us will leave.

As for the woman in a man's world?

How about this... I'm sure the men-folk here would agree with me in granting you honorary 'man' status.. right guys? ( I'm not sure that's such an honor though! )


Anonymous said...

A woman in a man's world? I live in Washington State, and met a woman while working a disaster in Vermont in 1998. She was a country girl, and we wrote back and forth for 5 years. She said she was driving to Idaho to visit friends, would I like to come and visit. I did, and we got married a year later. I'm not sure if she married me or my tractor! She loves it, and can handle it as well as any man. I'm away for months at a time on disaster work, and she runs the farm. Totally. Go to North Dakota and see who runs much of the equipment there - women. Good for them!

Anonymous said...

Kim, well from just one old guys perspective, I think you're doing an excellent job maintaining the site and keeping it clean for all ladies and gentlemen. Thank you !.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who the bonehead thought was keeping America's bread basket growing and prosperous during WWII, for example? While the "boys" were at war protecting the country, the women were in the fields growing their food (and building their ships, planes, tanks and trucks for that matter).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this site and all that you do to keep it going.....thank you for you insight and thank you for your PERSONA!

Anonymous said...

Best site ever, I love coming in here and reading the post daily. Glad your running the show. First time in the blogger section, i'll us anonymous, not sure how to use identity yet.

Anonymous said...

I stop by when I need help. YT is great Kim, thanks. I'm glad your a woman!