In-between site seeing there was some play time, including both horseback riding and a jaunt through the Ponderosa Pines on an ATV (pic below).
This was my first time on an ATV, but I've spent some time on two-wheeled machines. People may be surprised to learn that I'm not only interested in Antique Tractors, I also like motorcycles! I got my first motorcycle at age 18 and back then it was the only thing with an engine I owned, taking me back and forth to work during good weather and bad. Currently I have a 250cc Rebel street bike, a 100cc dirt bike and an NS50 cafe racer. They're all small bikes but perfect for me at only 5'1. I like my feet to be able to reach the ground!
It's back to work now and I've been working on the Yesterday's Tractors website and fixing a problem with the search engine. Looks like it is working now but certain searches really slow down the rest of the site. I'm considering moving the search engine to it's own server. As of today, it has to search through 1,838,359 pages to find a match for what you enter. That takes a lot of CPU power!
I'm waiting eagerly for installment two of how you got to where you are!
I'm glad you enjoyed your short vacation. It's always good to get out and enjoy the outdoors, or at least it is for me.
Keep up the good work!
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