dozen ads were placed simultaneously - advertisements like Payday Loans, Acne Treatment (?), Poker, etc. I don't know why they pick on that particular forum but a lot of these ads have been showing up lately. They are posted as a reply to a question so that you can't tell it is an advertisement until you click on it.
A few people might not know that we even have a truck section. The Classic Truck website was created because a lot of people who had old tractors had old trucks too. They needed a place to talk so the truck forum was created. Then their own classified ad section, etc which eventually grew into a whole new website, called appropriately or
There are more than 600 old trucks in the photo gallery there. Wow! I just love looking at them and I love old trucks. We had an old Ford when I was a kid. It was red and just a big old farm truck that probably never got a bath in it's life except when it rained.
Here is a neat picture that Dave from Illinois posted in the gallery. A 1946 White truck pulling a 1945 Farmall H. Cool! It proves my point that old trucks and old tractors go well together:
The trucksters who hang out at the Yesterday's Truck site have asked for their own Photo Ads, so I'm working on that. I'm going to use the same software that's on the antique tractor site but it's been heavily modified for use there and I'll have to go over it with a fine tooth comb to make it fit the truck site.
If anyone has any other requests or has ideas for the Truck site just let me know. If you have knowledge or interest in these old machines maybe you could help answer questions in the Classic Truck Discussion Forum.
gm Kim! I vividly remember my first time driving the truck. Grandpa and I were taking a load of trash back to the woods. When we drove up to the hill and passed the windmill into the southeast field, he got out and told me to start driving. I bet I killed that engine several times. I kept letting off the gas pedal when I let out the clutch. The pickup was an old 1957 Ford. Grandpa bought a new Ford pickup in 1962. He had that for 20 years. He sold it to a neighbor's grandson in 1982. It only had 20,000 miles on it but was thoroughly rusted through. When the grandson tried opening the hood, the entire front end fell to the ground!!
The Red
Just found the truck site and love it, Thanks
I have both a 1948 GMC beat-down-to-its-socks workhorse, and a 1957 Chev 1 1/2 ton in process. I'd love to see a forum similar to Classic Trucks, but divided along the lines of the tractors. Maybe 4 areas: Trucks up to 3/4 ton, 1 ton and over, before 1960, 1961 and later. I spent 25+ years in all phases of farm equipment and truck repair, and it seems 1960 was the last of the classics. Keep up the wonderful work - you have the most interesting farm site on the web.
In my collection of old vehicles, (mostly flathead V-8 engined Fords) I have a 1948 Ford F-1 pickup truck and a 1949 Chevrolet 6400 long wheelbase wrecker body with Holmes twin swing booms and manual crank down stabilizers. Quite a piece of machinery in it's day.
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