First and foremost, I wish to thank all of you for the hundreds of emails, blog entries and letters you sent with words of comfort after the death of my only and dearest sister. Her ashes are in the ground now and the "final good-bye" (the Memorial) is this coming Sunday.
It's been a real rough time but we're moving forward now and concentrating on raising the three beautiful children that she left behind. It will be a family effort and they are well worth the time spent doing so. The children will be raised by my Mother and Stepdad, who are in their seventies, and we hope to have a new home soon on the property that will be large enough for everyone.
On to Site Happenings - I could talk forever about my sister and what the words from the people at YT have meant to me - but I want you to know that I'm doing fine so we're going to move on now to a new subject: The Forums again! We've had to make some small changes to the forums, one is the way messages are viewed. They automatically "expand" now if you click on the thread starter, and a few other small changes.
Apparently some people are not able to see links change color (the "visited link" color) after they have clicked on a reply. I've only heard that from a few people though so I'd like some comments on your experience with the most recent change. I'm finding that when I use Firefox as a browser, the links do not change color after I view a forum reply or message. But if I use Safari, the links DO change. I'm on a Macintosh so haven't tried it on my PC. I'm thinking it must be working on Microsoft Explorer, one of the more popular browsers, because out of the thousands of people who read messages each day only 2 or 3 have written about the link color not changing as it should. It is important that the link change color after you've read a message, so that next time you come back to the forum you know you already read that one.
So please leave your comments here, or in the Site Comments Forum.
Our antique tractor forums are a "work in progress" - we must continue with our updates but we'll do them a little at a time - then test the water, adjust or modify - and then move forward again slowly.
The forums are for you - and my most important mission is to keep them as easy to use as possible. The changes we are making are primarily for server and operating system performance, not because we have the "itch" to change things. So feel secure in the fact that I'm always here watching, listening, and caring.
Thanks again to all for your kind words these last two weeks.